Each doctor is qualified to provide a full range of contraceptive, maternity, minor surgery and child health surveillance services.
Family Planning
The practice provides a full range of family planning services including oral contraception, hormone implant and IUCD fitting. See your doctor for advice.
Planning a Pregnancy
If you are planning a pregnancy, we suggest that you see one of the doctors or a Health Visitor beforehand for general health advice and to check that you are immune to rubella (German measles). It is also recommended that Folic Acid 400mcg tablets are taken daily before becoming pregnant, and for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Diabetic Checks
The Practice Nurses run clinic sessions for diabetic patients. The review offers comprehensive care to diabetic patients in the practice – either on its own or as part of a shared programme of care with the Diabetic Clinic at the hospital.
All diabetic patients will be offered regular check-ups at the clinic.
Heart Function Clinic
This is a nurse-led clinic with GP support, which offers checks and advice to patients with heart or blood pressure problems. Patients will be invited to attend either by the nurse or via their GP.
Respiratory Clinic
This clinic offers a high standard of care for patients with respiratory problems. It is important for patients with respiratory problems such as asthma to attend the clinic when they are well. If you require an appointment please telephone the surgery.
Minor Surgery
The practice performs minor surgery such as cautery to warts, removal of skin tags etc. See your doctor for advice.
Cervical Screening (Smear Test)
What to expect at your cervical screening appointment – an informative, step by step guide produced by Public Health Scotland can be viewed at this link: Campaign assets | Public Health Scotland News
Frequently asked questions about cervical screening can be found at this link: Campaign assets | Public Health Scotland News
We understand that having a smear test can be a bit of a daunting experience for many patients. In order to make this as easy and as stress free as possible, we would encourage you to ask for any of the following if you feel you need it:
Extra time – please ask for a double appointment if this would help
A chance to talk – you can make an appointment to discuss a smear test with the Practice Nursing Team in advance of having a smear test, should you wish
A chance to bring someone with you – if you feel you need someone to accompany you, bring them along to your appointment.
A translator – if English is not your first language and you’d like a translator to be present, please advise reception of this and we can make the necessary arrangements
Things to consider to make your appointment easier:
Wearing a skirt/dress
Ask for a smaller speculum if this is more comfortable for you
Talk to your nurse – she’s there to help you as much as she can and to make it as easy a procedure as possible